Being Sick: Day 3

Limbic Region on 2004-06-02T16:27:35

I feel like absolute defication though that is too pleasant for the ineffable nature of how I really feel.

Last night Jean and I watched Fear Factor and watching the pretty ladies eat sea cucumbers actually bothered me. I went to sleep after the bathing suit portion of the Miss Universe contest - Jean stayed up for the whole thing.

Today I realized I am slowly being phased out of "being" technical at work. Actually I shouldn't say slowly as the majority of the work I have done since taking this job in October has been non-technical. It really doesn't bother me as I am keeping up my skills on my own doing things like hacking on parrot.

FWIW - The cygwin dll has the math library wrapped up inside. That's why I couldn't find the problem by looking at /usr/lib/libm.a - unfortunately I haven't the foggiest how to solve the problem other than look at the massive source code for Cygwin.

I am too sick to care or to give up - I just am.